Support Services in Cardiff

In addition to the information you can access about Parenting and childcare on our website. We work alongside a range of services to maintain a directory of services on Dewis Cymru. If you think the information you are looking for relates to one of the following categories that we get asked about, why not take a look out at these tailored searches to see if what you need is there.

Cardiff Housing

Cardiff Housing is supported by Cardiff Council and the Cardiff Housing Associations, Cadwyn. Cardiff Community Housing Association, Hafod, Linc, Newydd, Taff  Housing Association, United Welsh and Wales & West Housing. The website offers information about rented and affordable accommodation in Cardiff, including Cardiff housing waiting list, assisted home ownership schemes, and privately rented accommodation . It aims to help those looking for a home to make choices about the most suitable option for them.

Cardiff Money

Help with managing your money and debts.

Dealing with money issues can be confusing, but if you don’t understand how things like credit or mortgages work, you could end up losing out financially or getting yourself in debt.

If you’re struggling to manage your money, we can offer help and support in a number of areas such as budgeting, income maximisation and managing debt.

Money advice and support services on Dewis Cymru covering Cardiff

Advice on Budgeting

Income maximisation

Managing Debt

Managing Money

Advice on Debt

Advice on Credit


The Index

The Index is Cardiff’s voluntary register for children and young people with disabilities or additional needs. Working alongside a range of support services and professionals, it ensures that families of children and young people with disabilities or additional needs are kept up to date with information that is both relevant and beneficial to them.

Disability and Additional Needs services on Dewis Cymru covering Cardiff.

Chronic Health Condition (such as Diabetes, Cronh’s disease, heart disease…)

Learning Difficulty (such as ADHD, Dyspraxia, Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, Tourette’s…)

Learning Disability (such as Global Development Delay)

Neurological Condition (such as Ataxia, Epilepsy, Multiple Sclerosis, Hydrocephalus…)

Neurodiverse Condition (such as Autism)

Physical Disability

Visual Impairment

Hearing Impairment

Speech / Language Difficulty

Behavioural / Emotional Difficulty

Communication & Interaction Difficulty

Cardiff Schools and Learning

All information relating to Cardiff Council Schools and Learning can be found on the Cardiff Council website at Schools and learning (

Adult Learning

Adult Learning Cardiff provide courses suitable for all learners of all abilities within the Cardiff Local Authority. More information an be found at Adult Learning Cardiff – Adult Learning Cardiff

Workforce Development and Accredited Centre

The Early Help service is committed to developing the skills of its employees and recognise that by undertaking new CPD courses and qualifications it can benefit both the organisation, employees, service users and our working partners. The Early Help Workforce Development team run an annual training programme aimed at all professionals working with young people and families in an early intervention role. For more information on the training on offer please email us at or click here to view upcoming courses.

Education and Training services on Dewis Cymru covering Cardiff


Community Training providers

The Into Work Service

The Into Work Advice Service provides employment, training and digital support to individuals actively seeking work or looking to upskill.

For Jobseekers – We offer one to one support and intensive mentoring through externally funded projects and volunteering opportunities. Access support from our job clubs across Cardiff.

For Employers – We work with employers who are looking for employees, interview space and training in exchange for guaranteed interview space.

Just left school and not sure what to do next?

We can help you decide your next move – whether you want to return to education, get into employment or training through our 16 – 24 Year Old Mentor Support.

Employment services on Dewis Cymru covering Cardiff

Click here for employment advice and support services covering a range of areas.

Children’s Play Services – Play Team (link to new website)

Children and Young People’s activities on Dewis Cymru covering Cardiff.