
This part of the website applies to you if you are working with parents, children and young people and their families in an employed or voluntary capacity.

Cardiff Family Advice and Support.

Cardiff Family Advice and Support brings together a range of information, advice and assistance for children, young people and their families in Cardiff. This can be accessed through the Family Gateway.

This clear, accessible referral route is for anyone who wants to learn more about the support available for Children, Young People and their Families or has well-being concerns for children.

Referrals or requests for information, advice or assistance can be made by anyone working with a family, with the family’s consent, or by members of the public.

If you have Safeguarding Concerns for a child, young person or family please contact the Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH).


Cardiff Parenting 0-18 is for any family expecting a baby, or with a child or young person aged 0-18 living in Cardiff.

Additional information about Parenting in Cardiff can be found on Dewis Cymru.


The Cardiff Housing website offers information about rented and affordable accommodation in Cardiff, including Cardiff housing waiting list, assisted home ownership schemes, and privately rented accommodation. It aims to help those looking for a home to make choices about the most suitable option for them.

Additional information about Housing in Cardiff can be found on Dewis Cymru (housing).


If you’re struggling to manage your money, we can offer help and support in a number of areas such as budgeting, income maximisation and managing debt.

Hubs offer many services under one roof from advice, benefits and housing as well as community events, training and internet access.

Additional information about Money in Cardiff can be found on Dewis Cymru (money).


The Cardiff Childcare Business Support Team are available to provide you with expert support and guidance covering all aspects of running a successful childcare provision from identifying where there is a need for new childcare, how to set it up and how to make it successful.

The Workforce Development and Accredited Centre provides a range of training courses for all childcare staff in Cardiff.

The Family Gateway Information Team are on hand to support you make sure your childcare settings details on Childcare Information Wales are accurate and up to date.

Find registered childcare in Cardiff.

The Childcare Offer for 3 and 4 year olds.

Education and training

The Early Help Workforce Development team run an annual training programme aimed at all professionals working with young people and families in an early intervention role.

Apply for a school place, school term dates, catchment areas, how to contact a school and Special Education Needs support.

Adult Learning Cardiff are proud to provide courses suitable for all learners of all abilities within the Cardiff Local Authority.

Additional information about Education and Training in Cardiff can be found on Dewis Cymru (training).

Additional needs

The Index is Cardiff’s voluntary register for children and young people with disabilities or additional needs.

Additional information about Disabilities or Additional Needs in Cardiff can be found on Dewis Cymru (Additional Needs).


The Into Work Service provides employment and digital support to individuals actively seeking employment or looking to up-skill. You do not have to be out of work to access these services.

Additional information about Employment in Cardiff can be found on Dewis Cymru (employment).

Physical, emotional and mental health

Children, Young People and Family Health Services

Barnardo’s Family Wellbeing Service

Additional information about Health in Cardiff can be found on Dewis Cymru (health).