Completing a model Childcare Provider record on Dewis Cymru

Whilst there are useful hints and tips available on Dewis Cymru to help services add details to records. These relate to a whole range of service types. As such, we have developed this easy-to-follow guide to help all childcare providers complete a childcare record consistently. We appreciate that most childcare providers already have completed records on Dewis Cymru, however we are noticing variances in how childcare providers are interpreting and providing responses against questions. Therefore, we have developed this guide to encourage and support consistency of how information about childcare providers is recorded and available to your prospective service users who use Dewis to make informed decisions when choosing childcare (NOTE: used the term ‘choosing childcare’ to align this with the revamped choosing childcare booklet that is going to be made available on

Each section below relates to a section on a Dewis record and against each question we have provided the structure of a model answer.

At the bottom of each page on a Dewis record there is a green “Save your changes” button. If you have made changes to information on a page, you DO NOT have to save changes to move to another page, Dewis will do this automatically.

However, once you have added/made all of the necessary changes to your information and you are ready for it to be published, you will need to follow the instructions in the ‘Publish’ section at the end of this guide.

Once published, and if no further updates are done your record will remain visible on both Dewis Cymru and for six months. The period of six months will re-start every time a record is re-published as a result of a record being checked/updated by the childcare provider and the editor being informed that the record is ready to be re-published by way of the tick box being ticked (see the instructions in the ‘Publish’ section at the end of this guide).

This guide has been produced to act just as a guide to support the consistency of information in childcare records. For information on how to update information please follow the steps on the webpage.

About - Description of service

What to include as an answer

As a childcare provider, you need to choose which childcare type in the drop-down menu most reflects how you are registered with the Care Inspectorate Wales.

The options on Dewis are:

  • After School Club
  • Breakfast Club
  • Childminder
  • Creche
  • Day Nursery
  • Holiday Club
  • Open Access Play
  • Playgroup

In addition to having a record that reflects your main CIW category. If you are a group setting and you run clubs that parents can use as standalone clubs (e.g. an after school club that can be used as a standalone club without children attending the nursery during other times of the day) to best reflect this on Dewis and to ensure your setting appears on searches for those types of provision, we would advise setting up standalone records on Dewis for those categories of childcare.

Why is it important to have this information correct?

This is how your setting will be categorised on Dewis Cymru and will be one of the main ways that parents, carers and professionals choose to filter childcare providers when searching.

Is this detail visible or searchable online?


What to include as an answer

This is the name that will appear on your record. For group settings such as nurseries and playgroups this should be the name that the Care Inspectorate Wales have you registered as.

Some childminders like to have their service name displayed as a business name rather than their own name. That approach is acceptable, however we would advice that you also consider including your own name in the event that some parents, carers or professionals might try to search by your name if they knew it in which case, they would not find you if your name was not included.

An example of how a childminders business/own name service name could appear is:

LittleMinders Childcare (Jane Smith)

Why is it important to have this information correct?

In the event that parents, carers or professionals have heard of you or our service by name, they might opt to search by name.

Is this detail visible or searchable online?


What to include as an answer

This section provides you with the opportunity to tell potential service users about what you do. Write it as if you were talking to the parent/carer. Maybe tell them how long you have been a childcare provider for and provide some idea of what a typical day might look like in your setting such as what play and activities you provide for the children at your setting and how these can help them to develop.

You are limited to 1000 characters (including spaces) so please carefully consider what you want to tell services users and be concise.

Use ‘terms’ and ‘keywords’ that you think service users would use. Avoid using acronyms or jargon that parents/carers might not be familiar with, especially if they have not used childcare before.

Do not use up characters on information such as:

  • contact details
  • opening times
  • schools that you pick up from
  • Training and qualifications

…..this information is recorded elsewhere in your record.

Why is it important to have this information correct?

This is the most important question when potential service users search using keywords, terms and phrases as those searches will read from this field.

Is this detail visible or searchable online?


What to include as an answer

Give an example of specific criteria that the childcare setting might adhere to that is not captured anywhere else in a Dewis record.

If your service provides childcare within certain criteria further to that set by the Care Inspectorate Wales.

For example, if you are a childminder who could potentially provide care for 0-12 year olds, but have taken a decision to only provide childcare for early years or school aged children then this would be a place to explain that. (Please note age ranges cared for are also recorded later in your record as drop-down choices).

Why is it important to have this information correct?


Is this detail visible or searchable online?


Contact - Contact details

What to include as an answer

Against each contact type provide the corresponding information that you would want prospective and current service users to use.

Why is it important to have this information correct?

The information you enter against each contact type will appear in the ‘Your contact methods’ section.



To enable Dewis Cymru to include your setting in searches around a postcode. You will need to include your address in the ‘in person’ option.

If you are categorised as a childminder, your home address will not appear publicly in any search results, it is only required to allow that distance search facility to work.

Is this detail visible or searchable online


What to include as an answer

The e-mail address to which you would want any non-publicly visible feedback to be sent.

This field is common to all records on Dewis Cymru (not only childcare ones). As such, this address would probably be the same as the e-mail address you use for your childcare setting.

Why is it important to have this information correct?


Is this detail visible or searchable online


What to include as an answer

In the four boxes bullet pointed below, please provide details that will not be made available to the public.

  • Private name
  • Private email
  • Private address
  • Private telephone

Why is it important to have this information correct?

The details provide in this section are those that you are happy to be used by the teams within Cardiff Early Help who support childcare providers in the event we need to contact you and are unable to contact you on the main details for your setting.

Is this detail visible or searchable online


Social Media (add your Facebook, Twitter and other social media profiles if you have them)

What to include as an answer

There are a number of social media channel options that can be recorded on your Dewis Cymru record.

Why is it important to have this information correct?

If you use social media as a tool to promote your childcare setting, including links to those profiles in this section promotes them in a dedicated area on your record.

Is this detail visible or searchable online?


What to include as an answer

Once you have selected the social media profile type you wish to provide the standard prefix for that profile will auto populate in the address block. You simply add the additional address content for your profile.

You can add profile addresses for all your social media channels. Just remember to click “save this profile” after each entry before adding the next.

Why is it important to have this information correct?


Is this detail visible or searchable online?



What to include as an answer

As a registered childcare provider the option you need to select from this drop down menu is:

  • No – my service is for everyone

Why is it important to have this information correct?

This question and suggested response demonstrate that your setting is available to all.

Other options in this drop-down menu relate to other categories on Dewis Cymru who support specific communities and groups.

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What to include as an answer

You can chose one of three options, namely:

  • Bilingual
  • English Only
  • Welsh Only

Why is it important to have this information correct?

If you select ‘Bilingual’ or ‘Welsh only’ the Iaith Gwaith logo will appear next to your record on Dewis Cymru and

Prospective services users will then have an expectation that a significant proportion of your service is provided either bilingually or in Welsh. Therefore, you need to be confident that you can meet those expectations.

Is this detail visible or searchable online?


What to include as an answer

If you are able to provide your service using BSL, select ‘Yes’.

Why is it important to have this information correct?

If you select ‘Yes’ the BSL logo will appear next to your record on Dewis Cymru and

Is this detail visible or searchable online?


What to include as an answer

As a childcare provider, the likelihood is that you do not require anyone to have a referral to use your setting. Therefore, to answer both parts of this question, we would suggest the following wording for this question.

  • Anyone can use this setting; no referrals are required.

If you are a Flying Start only or provide Flying Start spaces at your setting, this information is captured later in your Dewis record.

Why is it important to have this information correct?


Is this detail visible or searchable online?

What to include as an answer

If your service has a website, this is the field to include that web address.

You will need to include https://www. Or http://www. As art of the web address.

Please remember, this field is for your website address, do not add a home address etc. in this field.

Why is it important to have this information correct?

Is this detail visible or searchable online?

What to include as an answer

The options provided on this question are common across all records on Dewis.

As such, you may consider than none of them apply to your setting.

However, as an example if you have off road parking that service users could use during pick up and drop off times that could be considered ‘Accessible Parking’.

Why is it important to have this information correct?

This information provides service users with details that could meet a requirement they consider important.

Is this detail visible or searchable online?



Welsh Medium Setting
Welsh is the main day to day language of the setting. Welsh is the language of all activities, and is the language of communication with all children and young people. It is also the language of the setting’s administration. The setting communicates with parents either in Welsh or in both Welsh and English according to parental preference. Children from all language backgrounds are welcomed into the provision.

Welsh Medium and English Medium Setting Both Welsh and English are used side by side as languages within the setting and has full bilingual elements. Welsh and English are used as languages of communication with the children and young people and both languages are used for activities. Both languages are used for the setting’s administration. The setting communicates with parents either in Welsh or in Welsh and English according to parental preference.

English Medium Setting with some bilingual elements
English is the main day to day language of the setting with some bilingual elements. English is the language of the majority of activities, and is the main language of communication with all children and young people. The Welsh element is provided through the introduction of some Welsh to all children and young people through the use of greetings, songs, stories and games. The proportion of Welsh used varies according to the linguistic ability of the staff. English is the language of the setting’s administration. The setting communicates with parents in English.

English Medium Setting
English is the day-to-day language of the setting. English is the language of all activities and is the language of communication with all children and young people. It is also the language of the setting’s administration. The setting communicates with parents in English.

Not for Profit

Unincorporated Associations
An ‘unincorporated association’ is an organisation set up through an agreement between a group of people who come together for a reason other than to make a profit (for example, a voluntary group or a sports club). You don’t need to register an unincorporated association, and it doesn’t cost anything to set one up. Individual members are personally responsible for any debts and contractual obligations.

Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO)
A charitable incorporated organisation is a corporate body which is not a company incorporated under the Companies Acts; it is therefore not subject to company regulation.

Company Limited by Shares (CLS)
A company which features a share capital. The members of a CLS are known as shareholders whose liability is limited to the amount, if any, unpaid on the shares held by them.

Company Limited by Guarantee – Charitable and non – charitable
A company limited by guarantee and does not have any shares or shareholders. Often, they are referred to as a ‘not for profit’ or ‘charitable company’.

Community Interest Company (CIC)
A community interest company (CIC) is designed for social enterprises that want to use their profits and assets for the public good. It would often call itself a social enterprise.

Community Benefit Society
A community benefit society conducts business for the benefit of their community. Profits are not distributed among members, or external shareholders, but returned to the community.

Cooperative Society
A co-operative society is often a voluntary association of individuals who come together with the intention to work together and to promote their economic interest.