Cardiff Childcare Business Support

Childcare Business Support Services are available to new and existing childcare providers in Cardiff – we work with schools, playgroups, day nurseries, after school and holiday clubs, cylchoedd meithrin, crèches and childminders.

We aim to support existing provision and improve the quality of childcare provided. Services can include assistance with policies and procedures, Care Inspectorate for Wales applications, marketing, staff recruitment, income generation, sustainability and grant-funding applications.

Meet the team

Areas of Support:

All areas and any other enquiries relating to Childcare Sufficiency Assessments, partnership working and representation at meetings.

Normal working days:

Monday to Friday




Welsh speaker


Areas of Support:

New developments (Inc. childminders), Childminding information sessions, Care Inspectorate for Wales pre-registration and post-registration compliance, company policy building, business planning and financial forecasts & sustainability.

Normal working days:

Monday, Wednesday and Friday


02920 351363


Welsh speaker


Areas of Support:

Childcare and Play Grant, management of grant expenditure, monitoring of grant expenditure, external funding, legal structures.

Normal working days:

Monday, Wednesday and Thursday




Welsh speaker


Areas of Support:

External quality assurance schemes, Gold Standard Healthy Snack Award, Cardiff Healthy and Sustainable Pre-School Scheme, Actions resulting from Care Inspectorate for Wales and Estyn inspections

Normal working days:

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday


02920 351360 / 07814 251310


Welsh speaker


The Cardiff Childcare Business Support team have collated this presentation to support you through the journey of the new curriculum in Wales, this presentation highlights resources available with easy links to follow.

Link to document

Rates relief extended for childcare providers until 2025

Registered child care premises in Wales will benefit from 100% non-domestic rates relief for an additional three years.

The extension of the rates relief, until 31 March 2025, will provide £9.7m of additional support for registered childcare premises.

The Small Business Rates Relief scheme was enhanced in April 2019 to provide 100% relief to all registered childcare premises in Wales for a three-year period. Designed to help the sector deliver the child care offer of 30 hours of early education and childcare. Rates relief extended for childcare providers until 2025 | GOV.WALES

New protections for working parents eligible for help with their childcare costs

Changes to National Minimum Standards – 18th May 2023 Key Changes

We have strengthened the requirements for first aid in registered childcare settings and provided clearer information about course content in a supporting annex. The requirements for first aid training will differ depending upon the service you provide. A lead in time of 18 months until the end of November 2024 is provided to enable providers to meet the new qualification requirements.

We have provided clarity within standard 20 of the requirements regarding safeguarding and indicated in the supporting annex the appropriate training for different roles in the sector. A lead in time of 18 months until the end of November 2024 is provided to enable providers to meet the new training requirements.

We have provided guidance setting out the responsibilities and role of registered childminders working with a child minding assistant and the relevant training an assistant must undertake. This includes the requirement for assistants to have successfully completed an appropriate course recognised in the Social Care Wales’s Qualification Framework. A lead in time of 6 months until the end of November 2023 is provided for new and existing assistants to meet this new requirement.

We have amended this standard to allow 20% of staff in full day care settings and 10% of staff in sessional or open access settings who are working towards a qualification to be included in the staff qualification ratios.

We have removed the specific standard relating to the supernumerary staffing requirement in settings registered for more than 20 children. We have strengthened other staffing standards to reinforce management arrangements and to make clear that additional staff and management resources will be required to undertake managerial roles if this impacts on required adult:child ratios.

  • Providers must replace any electronic or hard copies they hold of the 2016 edition of the NMS with the updated May 2023 version.
  • As a registered childcare and play provider, you must check how the changes impact your business and take the necessary steps to meet the new requirements.


Childcare Business Support Grant 2024-25

Assistance through the Childcare Business Support Grant can be provided for costs associated with enhancing the Quality of the Provision; New Places; CPD Training;  Sustainability and the Implementation of the New Curriculum, particularly when it addresses CIW requirements or matters raised in Inspection Reports (please submit last CIW Report date with your application) to make them suitable for childcare on a continuing basis.

Childcare Business Support Grant Application Form (2024-25)

Childcare Business Support Grant Application Guidelines 2024/25

Cardiff Council Childcare Business Support Grant Terms & Conditions 2024/25


2020.02.06 NEW Grant application Costings

Quality Improvement Grant

Applications for the Quality Improvement Grant are now open, the grant can be used to support childcare settings to improve the indoor and outdoor environment in-line with their Quality of Care review, CIW Inspection and Ratings Provider Guidance.

Childcare Quality Improvement Grant 2024-25 CHILDMINDERS ONLY 

Childcare Quality Improvement Grant 2024-25 DAYCARE, SESSIONAL CARE AND OUT OF SCHOOL ONLY 

Grant Funding Costings Sheet

Cardiff Childcare Business Support Privacy Notice

Cardiff Childcare Business Support are part of Cardiff Council who is the Data Controller for the purposes of the data collected. This privacy policy will explain how our organisation uses the personal data we collect from you when you use our website or service.

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Call us: 02920351362

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